Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5 Tests Of An Effective Message

In marketing communications what you say is as important as where and how often you say it -- the "what" being your central message or promise.

So how do you come up with the right message? Well, the first and most important step is to know your customers. What benefit(s) do they get from working with your company? What problems do you solve for them? Customer benefit is the driving force behind an effective company message.

Once you've developed potential messages, here are five questions to ask of each of them. They'll help you zero in on the promise or message that will get you the most mileage:

  1. Is it unique?  Often there are many providers of a product or service. How do you set yourself apart from the rest of the pack?
  2. Is it meaningful?  This is where knowledge of the customer comes into play. Your uniqueness should be based on the real needs of the people who use your product or service. 
  3. Is it supportable?  Can you keep the promise you're making? For example, if your company message centers on superior service, are you committed to staying ahead of the competition?
  4. Is it sustainable?  Establishing your unique position doesn't happen overnight. The message you choose should be based on a long term view of what you can deliver. 
  5. Is it concrete and easy to understand?  If your audience has to think too hard to understand your message, they probably won't! Simple, straight-forward messages work best.

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